Let the Homesteading Begin!

What is the Homestead Living Collective?

If you love the idea of homesteading but you have no idea where to start. Start here!

The Homestead Living Collective is a curated club for those of us that have fallen in love with all things homesteading, homemaking and homemade.

From learning how to make soap, to canning and preserving, to milking cows, the Homestead Living Collective meets you wherever you're at in your homesteading journey.

Homesteading has helped so many of us get back to our roots, but we know first hand how intimidating homesteading can be. We've all been there!

Whether you want to grow a garden, bake bread from scratch or butcher your own chickens, we're here to pass on our homesteading knowledge so that you can do so with confidence. Maybe you just want to grow a tomato plant on your front porch. Whatever your goals are, we'd love to have you join the family!

Each month, we'll be learning something new. In depth, step by step, easy to follow projects, recipes, knowledge and more with personalized help all along the way.


    There's nothing better than old fashioned cooking. I'll be sharing some of my favorite recipes each week. I'm talkin' green tomato cobbler, farmer's cheese, dandelion jelly...endless yums.

  • wild-acres-farm.myshopify.com image


    Each month, we'll be taking on a new project together. Lard soap, raw butter, home butchering, canning, preserving, gardening, milking cows...you name it and we're covering it here!


    -Farm Talk videos

    -Vlog style videos


    -Special IG stories


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